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250 posts found
Don’t Leave the UK if you have an Outstanding application
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented effect on businesses throughout the last year and a half. Immigration, in particular, has been affected with a multitude of issues arising as a result of travel restrictions. In this case study,…
Posted on 8th January, 2021
, in
Abbiss Cadres Bolsters Data Protection Service With New Partner Hire
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new partner, Megan Shields, former Associate General Counsel of U.S. headquartered Webroot Inc, the global, anti-malware tech firm. Megan will spearhead the expansion of Abbiss Cadres’s data protection and privacy offering…
Posted on 8th January, 2021
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Remote working in Belgium and Germany – extension
The Netherlands has concluded mutual agreements with Belgium and Germany on how to apply the double taxation agreements for cross-border employees under the COVID-19 measures. The mutual agreements which were concluded on 6 April 2020 with Germany and 8 May…
Posted on 8th January, 2021
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Changes in rules of entry to workplace following return from abroad
As of July 1, 2021, mandatory COVID-19 testing of employees at their workplace ended in the Czech Republic. However, since July 9, 2021, new obligations of testing for COVID-19 for persons returning from abroad have been introduced. The new rules…
Posted on 8th January, 2021
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Czech Republic
Consequences of lockdown and travel restrictions measures: no special treatment for French business travellers and inbound expatriates
As explained in our Q4 2020 newsletter, France entered into various amicable agreements with bordering countries to neutralize the tax consequences of COVID-19 restrictions for cross-border employees. While the application of these agreements was extended until September 30, 2021, France…
Posted on 8th January, 2021
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International mobility of workers for companies
In a market as globalised and competitive as the current, international labour mobility is an increasingly common option for companies. Many employers see the international mobility of their workers outside the national territory as an opportunity to grow and expand…
Posted on 4th January, 2021
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International Remote Working – A Multidisciplinary Perspective
Are you ready for increased employee choices and flexibility in the workplace? There is no doubt that we are all living through an exceptional period of time, as a result of the pandemic. We have seen a revolutionary and practically…
Posted on 4th January, 2021
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Continuation of the fixed commuting allowance during COVID-19
Employers may grant a tax-exempt fixed commuting allowance to their employees, dependent on i.a. commuting distance, travel frequency and EUR 0.19/km. Because of the current COVID-19 measures, employees preferably work at home as much as possible, which would have a…
Posted on 4th January, 2021
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Keller Menz excels with presence in law firm rankings for their employment law practice in 2020
In June 2020, Keller Menz was named one of four "preferred law firms" in Munich (Kanzleimonitor, p. 141). Thomas Keller was named as a recommended lawyer based on recommendations by companies and in-house lawyers. In July 2020, Brand eins labelled…
Posted on 4th January, 2021
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EU Commission Data Protection Adequacy Decision – One Step Closer to Approval
Another positive step towards data adequacy status was reached in February with the publication of the European Commission’s draft adequacy decision. Further progress was made towards UK data adequacy status with the publication of the European Data Protection Board’s (EDPB)…
Posted on 4th January, 2021
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It is now possible to obtain Italian citizenship in shorter time
It is now possible to obtain Italian citizenship in shorter time. The Law Decree n. 130/2020, entered into force on October 22nd 2020, has reduced the time needed to define the procedures in order to obtain the Italian citizenship for…
Posted on 4th January, 2021
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Dutch large enterprises become eligible for the Fixed Cost Allowance pursuant to approval European Commission
As the lockdown measures are extended, the Dutch government envisages to open the Fixed Costs Allowance (TVL) to large enterprises and increase the subsidy amount significantly. On 16 March 2021, the European Commission approved the envisaged measures. The TVL is…
Posted on 4th January, 2021
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French Supreme Court Jurisprudence
According to European Union law (Case A-Rosa Flussschiff GmbH, C-620/15, April 27 2017) the regular issuance of an A1 certificate is protection against the criminal offense of undeclared work. The issuing of a regular A1 certificate is a presumption that…
Posted on 4th January, 2021
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Remote working in Belgium and Germany
The Netherlands has concluded mutual agreements with Belgium and Germany on how to apply the double taxation agreements for cross-border employees under the COVID-19 measures. Due to the travel restrictions caused by COVID-19 measures, cross-border employees may face taxation of…
Posted on 4th January, 2021
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The Pension Schemes Act 2021 Receives Royal Assent
The Pension Schemes Act 2021 (the Act) has received Royal Assent on 11th February 2021. The Act may well have an effect on corporate transactions given that the Act extends the powers of the Pensions Regulator to include the creation…
Posted on 2nd January, 2021
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The Post Brexit Immigration System
The UK officially left the EU on 31 January 2020 the transition period maintaining free movement for EU citizens ran until 31 December 2020. As of now, the Post Brexit Immigration Rules apply to all migrants, including those arriving from the…
Posted on 2nd January, 2021
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Brexit Deal: What’s Changed?
Immigration: Although the transition period has ended, EU Citizens will be able to enter the UK just using their passports until the end of September 2021. Now the transition period has finished, the Frontier Worker system offers EU Citizens who…
Posted on 2nd January, 2021
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Consequences of lockdown measures due to COVID on taxable income for French tax residents
The year 2020 is over but will continue to have many consequences in 2021. As far as French tax residents are concerned, the lockdown measures and movement restrictions imposed over the year by the various governments which prevented many employees…
Posted on 2nd January, 2021
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China’s First Civil Code, 1st January 2021
China’s first ever Civil Code will come into effect on January 1st, 2021. This Civil Code is a codification of the existing civil and tort related laws, regulations and judicial interpretations issued by the Supreme People’s Court. The following laws…
Posted on 2nd January, 2021
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China and Hong Kong
Pensions – lump sum payment allowed as from 2022
Contrary to most European countries, accumulated pension capital cannot be paid to an employee in a lump sum under Dutch law. Accumulated pension capital must be paid in lifelong annuities from the retirement date. In order to give employees more…
Posted on 2nd January, 2021
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Obtaining Italian Citizenship
It is now possible to obtain Italian citizenship in shorter time. The Law Decree n. 130/2020, entered into force on October 22nd 2020, has reduced the time needed to define the procedures in order to obtain the Italian citizenship for…
Posted on 2nd January, 2021
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Changes of taxation of employment income in the Czech Republic in 2021
The new law changing materially the taxation of employment income was approved and took effect on 1 January 2021. Below we summarise the main changes: Income from employment (and other types of taxable personal income) is generally subject to a…
Posted on 2nd January, 2021
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Czech Republic
China New Accounting Standards 2021
Chinese enterprises will be required to adopt several revised accounting standards starting from January 2021. These revised standards concern mainly the recognition of revenue (“new CAS 14”) and the treatment of the financial leases in the financial statements. Enterprises which…
Posted on 2nd January, 2021
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China and Hong Kong
Bringing Certainty, 5 ways a Global Mobility Team can support businesses through uncertain times
Currently, it feels like we can’t turn on the news without being faced with yet another event rocking the global stage. From political changes like Brexit, the growing rhetoric between the US and China to the Coronavirus pandemic, the world…
Posted on 9th January, 2020
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Changes impacting employment law in the Czech Republic in 2020
In June 2020, the long-awaited amendment to the Labour Code was approved. The amendment is to take effect on 30 July 2020, with the exemption of certain matters, especially the new calculation of annual leave entitlement and the concept of…
Posted on 9th January, 2020
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Czech Republic
China-Italy tax treaty new step in ratification
Tax treaties and double tax agreements between two jurisdictions are an excellent tool to boost and strengthen the bilateral economic relationship and promote cross-border investments. Currently, thousands of tax treaties and arrangements are in force worldwide. Based on international law,…
Posted on 9th January, 2020
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China and Hong Kong
Is the European Court of Justice opening the door to material employment practice in social security?
On 16 July 2020 The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that international lorry drivers who work in more than one country are covered by social security regime in the member state in which their employer has its…
Posted on 9th January, 2020
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Excellent results Loyens & Loeff in Women in Tax Leaders guide 2021
ITR (International Tax Review) has released their results for the 2021 Women in Tax Leaders Guide. We congratulate our 8 colleagues for being recognized as leaders in their field. The excellent results are: Dominique Afink – Highly Regarded Marieke Bakker…
Posted on 9th January, 2020
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Guide to Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, Updated 8th June 2020
Last Updated 8th June 2020 Most Recent Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme About the Scheme FAQs Most Recent Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme The government has announced significant changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Under…
Posted on 6th January, 2020
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Immigration in the COVID-19 lockdown in the UK
The UK’s Home Office are now regularly updating their guidance for immigrants in the UK and those wanting to make applications to come here. The latest position is set out in their guidance most recently updated on 26 May 2020…
Posted on 6th January, 2020
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Coronavirus & Global Mobility – Back to Business, the ‘New Normal’
We are all in unprecedented times with changes to the way we live and work due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), that no-one could have imagined just a few months ago. With many countries in lockdowns and nearly all international travel paused…
Posted on 6th January, 2020
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Coronavirus Business Support for Employers and Workers
Last updated: 2nd June 2020 9:30 Every day, governments and central banks around the world are announcing new measures to support the economy through the COVID-19 crisis. Set out below is a summary of the UK measures which we will…
Posted on 6th January, 2020
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Job Retention Scheme – deciding when to act
Last updated: 31th March 2020 15:45 Many employers will be considering whether and if so when to take advantage of the Job Retention Scheme announced by the Government on 23 March 2020. The main points of the Scheme are a…
Posted on 6th January, 2020
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The UK Government’s COVID-19 Recovery Strategy – Coronavirus Lockdown
The UK Government has launched its COVID-19 recovery strategy – ‘Our Plan to Rebuild’ on 11th May 2020. The strategy was launched with the caveat that the timetable will be delayed if the Coronavirus is not successfully controlled and if…
Posted on 6th January, 2020
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Coronavirus FAQs
Last updated: 2nd June 2020 12:30 Here to help Effective, regular communication is key to the successful management of your workforce in this crisis. This is particularly so where your workforce is mainly working remotely and where you are looking…
Posted on 4th January, 2020
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Coronavirus raises VAT questions in Luxembourg
Many Luxembourg based businesses experience financial pressure due to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. This, in turn, triggered a whole range of legal and tax questions, including on VAT. This comes as no surprise: VAT is a significant financial item…
Posted on 4th January, 2020
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The Netherlands: Q&A Coronavirus employment
Introductory remarks The coronavirus (COVID-19) is currently causing concern and uncertainty and poses challenges to companies and individuals alike. A number of legal issues are also emerging. This article aims to highlight the most important points from a Swiss employment …
Posted on 4th January, 2020
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Legal considerations for businesses during the coronavirus outbreak in Belgium
Also important to take into account however are certain legal and tax considerations. For instance with regard to the payment of corporate income tax, corporate governance and obligations and liabilities under commercial contracts of your business. This comprehensive guide includes…
Posted on 4th January, 2020
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Tax News – coronavirus-related tax relief package
We would like to briefly inform you that the government approved the so-called Tax Relief Package at the weekend – a package of measures that should help taxpayers, and the economy, deal with the coronavirus (Covid-19) emergency. The exact parameters…
Posted on 4th January, 2020
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Czech Republic
Germany: A year on: a review of the new laws on the expiry of paid annual leave entitlements
In February 2019, the BAG (German Federal Labour Court) decided to change the law on the expiry of paid annual leave entitlements. What are the changes? Previously to the Federal Labour Court’s decision, untaken paid annual leave expired at the…
Posted on 1st January, 2020
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Czech Republic: PRK Partners named 2019 Best Law Firm of the Year
Celia Alliance member, PRK Partners, has been named the 2019 Best Law Firm of the Year, organised by EPRAVO.CZ under the auspices of the Czech Bar Association and the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. In addition to the…
Posted on 1st January, 2020
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Czech Republic
China: New foreign investment law 2020 brings radical change to the governance and ownership of foreign investment entities
China’s Foreign Investment Law (FIL) implemented major reforms from 1 January 2020 affecting all aspects of foreign investment in China. The FIL greatly simplifies the legislative environment with only 42 articles over six chapters -albeit the FIL is accompanied by…
Posted on 1st January, 2020
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China and Hong Kong
Netherlands: Dos and Don’ts: Best practice when dealing with a visit by the Dutch Labour Inspectorate
The Dutch Labour Inspectorate (Inspectie SZW) can visit a workplace without prior notice, to ensure that employers comply with the law and that everything taking place at a workplace is legally compliant. The Labour Inspectorate has supervising powers in regard…
Posted on 1st January, 2020
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The Netherlands: Dutch Budget 2020 – New Tax brackets and Tax Free Allowances
There have been two relevant updates to Dutch wage tax, according to the Dutch Budget 2020. Alongside a two-bracket tax system, there has also been an increase from 1.2% to 1.7% for the tax free allowance for the first 400,000…
Posted on 1st January, 2020
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France improves its attractiveness for inbound expatriates
Employees hired in France or posted to France from abroad may be exempt from contributing to French pension schemes due to France’s effort to transform economic growth and aid businesses. The new ‘PACTE’ (Action Plan for Business Growth and Transformation)…
Posted on 8th January, 2019
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Poland: Random breathalyser tests on employees prohibited
On 27th June 2019, the Polish Personal Data Protection Office announced that employers were prohibited to perform random breathalyser tests on their employees. Instead, the tests need to be carried out by a professional in order to ensure reliable results.…
Posted on 8th January, 2019
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Poland: Tax relief on employees under the age of 26 as of 1 August 2019
As of the 1st August 2019, employees (Polish citizens and foreign nationals) under the age of 26 are no longer obliged to pay income tax, a decrease from a rate of 18%, provided the employee in question is employed on…
Posted on 8th January, 2019
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Germany: New legal provisions to apply for A1 certificate
An A1 certificate for a posted employee can only be applied for electronically in Germany. An A1 form determines which social security legislation applies to the holder of the certificate. The online process is now available, according to § 106…
Posted on 8th January, 2019
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Czech Republic: Dismissal protection during sickness period
A new law on electronic medical certificates could prevent employees wrongly claiming dismissal protections by obtaining doctor’s certificates after an alleged ‘sick period’. Based on the new legal regulation, the employee’s medical incapacity should be known to the employer immediately…
Posted on 8th January, 2019
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Czech Republic
Poland: Upcoming amendments to Polish Labour Code
Important amendments to the Polish Labour Code are being made on 7th September 2019 that will affect both employers and employees. Discrimination in employment The definition of discrimination in employment within the Polish Labour Code is being changed, opening the…
Posted on 8th January, 2019
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What is replacing the UK’s Tier 1 Entrepreneur visas? Part Two: Innovator Visas
International applicants wanting to start businesses in the UK must use the new Start-up or Innovator visa categories since the Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visa has been consigned to history. We looked previously at the Start-up category, how family members can…
Posted on 8th January, 2019
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What is replacing the UK’s Tier 1 Entrepreneur visas? Part One: Start-up Visas
As of March 2019, International applicants wanting to start or get involved in businesses in the UK must now use the new Start-up and Innovator categories as Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visas have been consigned to history. There is a feeling…
Posted on 8th January, 2019
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Sending employees to the UK – six top tax tips
For those considering sending employees to the UK, there are several ways to reduce the employment costs with careful planning. Our multi-disciplinary team can help arrange UK assignments to allow employers to take maximum advantage of the key planning points…
Posted on 7th January, 2019
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Employing in China: five things you need to know
With outstanding GDP growth over the past twenty years, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is taking its place among the world’s top economies and attracting significant foreign investment. But for businesses looking to expand into China, navigating labour law…
Posted on 7th January, 2019
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China and Hong Kong
Dutch minimum wage applies to crew on ships with Dutch home harbour, Dutch state council rules
On 17 April 2019, the Dutch State Council (Raad van State) ruled that the Dutch Act on Minimum Wages applies to seafarers working on board of harbour tugboats (havensleepboten), provided their home harbour is in the Netherlands. This means that…
Posted on 5th January, 2019
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Business Immigration: Opportunities for Overseas Businesses and those wanting to bring in talent to the UK
The UK Government has signalled its intention to make all inward migration to the UK subject to the same Rules. This is regardless of whether the applicants are coming from Europe or beyond, so it is a good time for…
Posted on 3rd January, 2019
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Obligation to report posted employees as of 1 July 2019
The obligation to report any posted employees in the Netherlands will enter into force from 1 July 2019. This means that companies and individuals who want to provide services in the Netherlands have to report posted employees to the Dutch…
Posted on 3rd January, 2019
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Changes impacting employment law in the Czech Republic in 2019
There have been two major changes to Czech Republic employment law proposed for 2019: an increase of the threshold for payment of health insurance, and the proposed amendment to the Opening Hours Act. Increase of the Decisive Amount for Payment…
Posted on 3rd January, 2019
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Czech Republic
10 Considerations for employers ahead of Brexit
Unless there is an agreement to extend the two-year Article 50 period, the UK will be leaving the EU on 29 March 2019. If an agreement is reached before 29 March 2019 then there will a transition period during which…
Posted on 3rd January, 2019
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France: A review of 2019’s new wage tax withholding system and its impact for foreign employers
On 1st January 2019, a new wage tax withholding system was implemented in France. This has meant employers are obliged to withhold personal income tax from their employees’ taxable salaries and pay it monthly to the French tax authorities. This…
Posted on 3rd January, 2019
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Poland: Automatic enrolment for retirement plans – employee capital plans came into force on 1 January 2019
The Employee Capital Plan (PPK), a long-term savings programme to give employees additional security in retirement, generally involves new obligations for employers. The programme, which came into force on 1 January 2019, will also incur additional costs that should be…
Posted on 3rd January, 2019
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Immigration in the Brexit scenarios: What could happen?
In light of the UK Government’s recently published guidelines for EU citizens in the case of a no-deal Brexit, Senior Consultant at Abbiss Cadres Jonathan Martin takes a look at the possible options and how immigration may change under each…
Posted on 2nd January, 2019
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China: The New Individual Income Tax Law
China’s new Individual Income Tax Law (IIT) came into force as of 1 January 2019. This was passed in an effort to achieve a better income distribution, reduce the tax burden for taxpayers, as well as increasing the domestic consumption…
Posted on 2nd January, 2019
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China and Hong Kong
Poland: New rights to unionise for non-employees
As of 1 January 2019, a major amendment to the Polish Unions Act allows those working under non-employment arrangements such as civil law contracts or under self-employment are to unionise. The new regulations apply to those who provide work outside…
Posted on 2nd January, 2019
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UK Budget – key takeaways for HR practitioners
On 29 October 2018, the Chancellor delivered the 2018 Budget. This article provides an overview of the key developments relevant to HR practitioners. Changes in tax rates and allowances Income tax The tax free personal allowance for income tax will…
Posted on 11th January, 2018
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Changes to the laws governing posted workers in France
Changes to the laws governing posted workers in France A new law passed in September 2018 made some significant changes to the laws governing the registration and reporting of the international posting of workers in France. Limited relaxation of mandatory…
Posted on 11th January, 2018
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Significant changes to the elimination of double taxation in Hong Kong
Significant changes to the elimination of double taxation in Hong Kong For the 2018/19 tax year ending 31 March 2019 there are significant changes to claiming relief from double taxation for salaried tax payers. Background In the past, for those…
Posted on 11th January, 2018
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China and Hong Kong
Proposed changes to Chinese income tax laws have a significant impact on both foreign and local employees
Proposed changes to Chinese income tax laws have a significant impact on both foreign and local employees A draft amendment on the PRC Individual Income Tax (“IIT”) Law has been released recently for public consultation. The main proposed changes include…
Posted on 11th January, 2018
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China and Hong Kong
Extensive changes impacting employment law in the Czech Republic in 2019
Extensive changes impacting employment law in the Czech Republic in 2019 Employers will want to take note of proposed changes to sick leave provisions and extensive amendments of the Czech Labour Code. Sickness benefits to be paid from day 1…
Posted on 11th January, 2018
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Czech Republic
Dutch Budget 2018 – other tax and social security proposals
Dutch Budget 2018 - other tax and social security proposals The Dutch Government has announced its plans for the tax year 2019 and future years. We examine the issues most relevant to Dutch employers and their employees. Transitional rules for…
Posted on 11th January, 2018
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Term of validity 30%-ruling reduced from eight to five years
The Dutch government intends to reduce the term of validity of the 30%-ruling from eight to five years as from 1 January 2019. The proposal applies to both new and existing situations. It was accepted by the Cabinet on a…
Posted on 4th January, 2018
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Draft Polish legislation to implement GDPR includes the new workplace monitoring provisions
The Polish Ministry of Digitization has published a draft of a new Protection of Personal Data Act and its implementing Act which introduces changes in over hundred acts of law, including the Labour Code, in order to implement the new…
Posted on 11th January, 2017
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Dutch Budget 2018: new tax rates and bands, changes to the employment status of listed company non-executives, pensionable age change, and promises of clarity on contractor status
The Dutch Government has announced its plans for the tax year 2018 and future years. The issues most relevant to companies employing staff in the Netherlands are as follows. Reduction in the life of the special tax regime for inbound…
Posted on 11th January, 2017
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New temporary residence permits for intra-corporate transfers
The Polish parliament is considering draft legislation: Introducing a new temporary residence permit for intra-corporate transfers involving the employment of third-country nationals (individuals from a country that is not a member of the Union); Providing for an intra-EU mobility scheme which…
Posted on 11th January, 2017
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Expansion into the UK – Immigration opportunities for overseas business, investors and entrepreneurs
Currently there are three key immigration routes for businesses and investors looking to expand into the UK. Post the decision to leave the EU, the UK Government is keen to grow its non-EU trade relationships. Given that UK sterling has been trading…
Posted on 11th January, 2017
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The Canadian business immigration benefits for EU nationals following the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
Canada implemented the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, referred to as CETA, earlier in 2017. CETA’s immigration provisions will provide a number of benefits for EU workers and business visitors. These include: “Enhanced” Intra-Company Transfer Provisions The basic…
Posted on 11th January, 2017
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Urgent changes to pension schemes required by 1 January 2018 changes to the legal retirement age
With effect from 1 January 2018, the legal retirement age for collective pension schemes (second pillar pension) will increase from 67 to 68. The increase of the legal retirement age is likely to result in pension schemes exceeding the maximum…
Posted on 11th January, 2017
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Posting workers to France? New duties for host companies
Readers may recall our report on the particular complexities of posting workers into France. Recent legislation imposes additional controls and duties on companies in France which use posted workers (a “Host Company”): Suspension of work: As we previously reported, any…
Posted on 7th January, 2017
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Intra Corporate Transfer Directive and international assignments: a patchy picture across the EU
Many EU member states were due to implement the Intra Corporate Transfer-Directive (“ICT Directive”), into domestic immigration law late last year. To date, the implementation map remains patchy across the EU. However, international employers should be aware of the new…
Posted on 7th January, 2017
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European Union
Market Abuse Regulation one year in: key issues for employee share plans
The Market Abuse Regulation (“MAR”) came into force throughout the EU one year ago, with significant impact for companies operating employee share plans. In this article we summarise the impact of the MAR on employee share plans, and some important…
Posted on 7th January, 2017
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European Union
New disclosure rules to ensure equal pay in Germany
A new law (EntgTranspG) to ensure equal pay of male and female employees comes into effect in Germany this summer (the “Act”). This will require employers, upon request by an employee, to disclose anonymised salary details of other employees working…
Posted on 7th January, 2017
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Intra Corporate Transfer Directive and international assignments: a Netherlands case study
In this article we examine the implementation of the Intra Corporate Transfer Directive (“ICT Directive”) in the Netherlands, as an illustration of its implications for employers in a particular jurisdiction, and to highlight some “knock-on” effects in other EU countries.…
Posted on 7th January, 2017
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France: Major labour law reforms continue
Labour law reform was a major topic of newly elected President Macron’s election platform, in order to tackle unemployment and inflexible rules on hiring and firing. Following the first round of consultations with trade unions and employers' organizations, the Government…
Posted on 7th January, 2017
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Labour law reform in Poland: changes on the horizon for employers of seasonal and short-term staff
A draft act with significant implications for employers of short term and seasonal workers in Poland has been adopted by the Polish Parliament (“the Act”). The Act: provides new rules for employing non-EU/EEA citizens for seasonal and short-term work in…
Posted on 7th January, 2017
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The moving target of UK immigration policy: practical steps for workforce planning
UK immigration policy is a constantly moving target, amid the cut and thrust of the UK’s negotiations to leave the EU. So where are we now, and how can employers in the UK do the right thing by their EEA…
Posted on 7th January, 2017
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Italy tax changes: rolling out the red carpet for impatriates
Italy is rolling out the red carpet for international workers who acquire Italian tax residency, in a series of generous tax reforms. Employers of individuals incoming to Italy should familiarise themselves with the new rules, in case they impact upon…
Posted on 7th January, 2017
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Religious attire: practical tips for EU employers
Throughout the EU, disputes with employees who wear religious clothes or symbols, such as Islamic headscarves and Christian crosses, can be expensive and damaging for employers. Such disputes attract potentially uncapped compensation awards if an employer’s dress code is found…
Posted on 7th January, 2017
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European Union
Newsflash: Hong Kong Tax Alert
The Hong Kong tax filing season for the 2016/7 tax year has now commenced. Both individuals and employers must file their tax returns promptly in time for the upcoming deadlines. Key filing deadlines are:- 2 May 2017 Filing…
Posted on 4th January, 2017
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China and Hong Kong
Newsflash: France Tax Alert
The filing deadlines for 2017 income tax returns (income from 2016) in France are approaching fast: May 17th 2017 (paper filing) or, for online filings, May 23rd/30th or 6th June 2017. See table for more details. Filing deadlines for tax…
Posted on 4th January, 2017
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Hong Kong Tax Changes for 2017-18
As Hong Kong tax filing deadlines approach in early May and June (see below), it is important for management/HR and as well as international assignees to be aware of recent tax changes to profits, salaries and property taxes. Amongst the…
Posted on 4th January, 2017
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China and Hong Kong
Three years to claim? Supreme Court in Poland opens door to claims for termination on discriminatory grounds
Employers in Poland should be aware of a recent landmark decision in the Supreme Court, which could allow employees to bring claims in respect of termination long after their employment has ended. Short deadline overturned Previous case law had suggested…
Posted on 4th January, 2017
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Workforce planning in Germany: new rules for temporary agency work
On 1 April 2017, a new law governing temporary agency work came into effect in Germany (the “Act”). Businesses operating in Germany, whether suppliers or end users of agency workers, must take note of the new rules under the Act…
Posted on 4th January, 2017
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Posting workers to France? Five things to know before they go
Employers posting staff to France on a temporary basis from another EU country should take note of the Posted Workers Enforcement Directive (the “Enforcement Directive”) which creates particularly onerous new obligations for employers. This is an EU-wide measure, but implementation…
Posted on 4th January, 2017
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PRK partners among the top six law firms in the Czech Republic again
After winning the award last year, we have again been shortlisted for the upcoming Chambers Europe Award 2017 according the internationally acclaimed directory of law firms, Chambers and Partners. The awards are issued in recognition of work of national and…
Posted on 3rd January, 2017
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Czech Republic
BREXIT: a brief timeline
On 29th March, the United Kingdom government triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, following a swift approval process through the UK legislature. This kick-started the two-year notice period for the UK’s official exit from the European Union. Here’s a…
Posted on 3rd January, 2017
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Employees working cross-border Germany and the Netherlands: where to pay tax on termination payments
In our January 2016 newsletter we informed you about the new double tax treaty between the Netherlands and Germany (the “2016 Tax Treaty”). In that article we highlighted an area of uncertainty with regards to the allocation of taxation rights…
Posted on 3rd January, 2017
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France changes the tax treatment of tax qualifying free share plans – again…
Readers may recall the 2015 ‘Macron Law’ which enhanced the favourable tax and social security treatment of the gains made from certain share incentive awards granted under French qualifying share plans. However, this favourable tax treatment only had a limited…
Posted on 3rd January, 2017
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Brexit: practical steps to plan ahead and keep your workforce happy
Much remains unclear about the future of the UK labour market following its formal exit from the EU, likely to be in March 2019 under the emerging Brexit timetable. However the UK government’s position, set out in its formal White…
Posted on 3rd January, 2017
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Good news for non-resident EU taxpayers with overseas income: ECJ rules on personal deductions
The European Court of Justice (the “ECJ”) has brought good news for many individuals who live and work across EU borders, in a case in which Loyens & Loeff acted for the taxpayer. According to the ECJ, an individual…
Posted on 3rd January, 2017
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Termination costs for high earners in Switzerland: new flexibility for employers?
A recent ruling of the Swiss Federal Supreme court could allow employers in Switzerland greater flexibility in termination packages for some very high earning employees. Under Swiss law, a bonus which is part of an employee’s variable salary with the…
Posted on 3rd January, 2017
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Investing in the UK: immigration routes to expansion
The UK’s decision to leave the EU has created uncertainty for businesses in the UK, and those considering a move to the UK. However, the recent growth figures for the UK economy in Q4 2016 demonstrate that this is…
Posted on 3rd January, 2017
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Maximising express entry points: senior executives get a fresh look
Background The way that points are granted for permanent residence under Canada’s Express Entry system changed in November 2016. These changes affected various issues including credit for Canadian education as well as non-LMIA (‘Labour Market Impact Assessment’) work permits, to…
Posted on 3rd January, 2017
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Visa restrictions to be lifted for Bulgarian and Romanian citizens from 1 December 2017
The Minister of Immigration has announced that visa requirements for citizens of Bulgaria and Romania will be lifted as of 1 December 2017. Even before that date, Canada hopes to implement a partial lift that will exempt certain Romanian and…
Posted on 12th January, 2016
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Brexit – EU Nationals in the U.K.
It is now nearly six months since the U.K. referendum voting for Britain to leave the EU. The U.K. government is still arguing that it should not have to ask the U.K. Parliament to trigger Article 50 of the Treaty…
Posted on 12th January, 2016
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Brexit: Landmark High Court Ruling that Parliamentary Approval is Required to Trigger Article 50
The Summary Claimants, including a group known as "The People's Challenge to Article 50", have succeeded in obtaining a declaration from the High Court that the Government does not have the legal power to notify its intention to leave the…
Posted on 11th January, 2016
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French Supreme Court Clarifies that Intra-Group Transfers may Continue to be Formalised Through Tripartite Agreements
The background Under French labour law, an employment contract may only be terminated through resignation by the employee, dismissal by the employer or mutual agreement between the parties. According to a 2014 decision by the French Supreme Court, termination of…
Posted on 11th January, 2016
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PRC Individual Income Tax – A New Wave of Tax Inspection
Background The new B2V tax reform in China has meant that, as of May 2016, liability to Business Tax (“BT”) has been replaced by Value-Added-Tax (“VAT”). BT used to be managed and collected by the Local Tax Bureaux ("LTB") in…
Posted on 11th January, 2016
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China and Hong Kong
The Netherlands and China Sign Social Security Treaty
On 12 September 2016, a social security treaty between The Netherlands and China was signed. The treaty will probably become effective sometime in 2017. This treaty does not cover all social security schemes of The Netherlands and China. Employees from…
Posted on 11th January, 2016
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Polish Employment Law Update Autumn 2016
The recent key developments in Polish employment law are examined below. 1. Communication of changed notice period required On 22 February 2016, new regulations came into force extending the notice period for a fixed-term employment contract. After the lapse of…
Posted on 11th January, 2016
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Enforcement of The Deregulation of Assessment of Independent Contractor Status Act postponed until 1 January 2018 (DBA Act)
Background Since the abolition of the VAR (Declaration of Independent Contractor Status) on 1 May 2016 there has been a great deal of disquiet and uncertainty among clients and the contractors/self-employed regarding the DBA Act. Recent developments On the advice…
Posted on 11th January, 2016
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Changes to Criminal Liability of Legal Entities
Recent developments As of 1 December 2016 there are changes in the law in relation to the criminal liability of a legal entity. The changes narrow the scope of natural persons whose conduct can be attributed to a legal entity.…
Posted on 11th January, 2016
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Czech Republic
Temporary Employment Contracts – New Dutch Supreme Court Ruling
On 4 November 2016, the Supreme Court gave judgment in the Care 4 Care case in respect of two issues that are of great importance to the employment agency industry. The law describes the temporary employment contract as an employment contract…
Posted on 11th January, 2016
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Validity of Exclusion Clauses in Employment Contracts
It is common practice for German employment contracts to have a mutual clause that excludes claims by either party if they have not been declared by written notice within a three month period. These clauses usually require the notice to…
Posted on 10th January, 2016
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New legislation on restriction of business hours in the Czech Republic
Czech Republic – October 2016 New Legislation on restriction of business hours for retail and wholesale trade during specified national holidays New legislation came into force on 1 October 2016 which prohibits or limits retail and wholesale trade on specified…
Posted on 10th January, 2016
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Czech Republic
New German Social Security Contribution Caps for 2017
The German Federal Cabinet has published the draft of a regulation concerning the social security contributions of 2017. As provided for in the German Code of Social Law, important social security contribution ceilings are adjusted according to the income in…
Posted on 10th January, 2016
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Proposed Amendments to the Labour Code – Issue 1
Welcome to the first issue in our series discussing the proposed amendments to the Czech Labour Code. The amendments, scheduled to take effect from 1 April 2017, are currently in consultation and have already raised numerous concerns. We will explore…
Posted on 10th January, 2016
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Czech Republic
Mexicans will no longer need a visa to seek temporary entry to Canada
The background In 2009, in the face of surging numbers of refugee claimants, Canada instituted a visa requirement for Mexican citizens to travel to Canada. Whatever impact this move may have had on stemming the tide of refugee claimants, it…
Posted on 10th January, 2016
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Crucial Constitutional Court Ruling on Concurrent Employment Contracts
The background A situation may arise where a member of a company’s statutory body (typically an executive director or a member of the board of directors) is also in a concurrent employment relationship with the company in a leading management position, particularly as a CEO (or another director). This is…
Posted on 9th January, 2016
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Czech Republic
Brexit: Help reassure UK based European employees today
Since the UK’s decision to leave the European Union following a historic referendum many European nationals and their families will be naturally concerned about their future status in the UK. While we do not know the exact certainties that lay…
Posted on 9th January, 2016
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European Union
Don’t overlook your UK obligations on Modern Day Slavery
Prime Minister, Teresa May, recently announced that the UK will lead the way in the battle against Modern Day Slavery, estimated to affect 20.9 million people worldwide. What many businesses may not realise is that they could have a responsibility under…
Posted on 9th January, 2016
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Dutch Budget Announcements for 2017
On 20 September, the day of the opening of the Dutch Parliament (Prinsjesdag), the Dutch Government announced its plans for the tax year 2017. The issues relevant to HR departments The issues most relevant to Dutch employers and their employees…
Posted on 9th January, 2016
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Amendments affecting employees in Hungary
Protection for pregnant women According to the original wording of the Hungary Labour Code, pregnant women and women undergoing fertility treatment are protected against dismissal under labour law if their status is disclosed to their employer before notice of dismissal…
Posted on 9th January, 2016
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Czech Supreme Court rules evaluation by employer in termination case binding
Last year, the Czech Supreme Court addressed the question of whether the employer’s evaluation of an employee’s breach of work discipline was binding in a termination notice. Under Czech law, there are three levels of a work discipline breach –…
Posted on 9th January, 2016
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Czech Republic
Recap of the International Experience Class’ Work Permit Applications
Background Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) maintains bilateral programs with various countries whereby young people, (typically aged 24 to 30) may seek work permits in Canada without a Labour Market Impact Assessment. This category of work permits is known…
Posted on 9th January, 2016
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The latest in Polish Employment Law
New regulations on posting of employees came into force on 18 June 2016 On 18 June 2016, new regulations came into force on the posting of employees to and from Poland, implementing the Posted Workers Directive (Directive 2014/67/EU) into the…
Posted on 9th January, 2016
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Brexit: Potential consequences on UK/Italy tax relations
On June 24 the British people voted in favour of the UK leaving the EU. The vote itself does not automatically imply the withdrawal from the EU: It will only take place once Article 50 of the EU Treaty has…
Posted on 9th January, 2016
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France is looking to improve the inbound expatriates regime
With the people of the UK opting to leave the European Union, the French Prime Minister plans to make changes to the inbound expatriate regime to attract UK tax payers to live and work in France. The French Prime Minister,…
Posted on 9th January, 2016
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Understanding Dutch tax residence issues
Last year we reported a case involving a Dutch national who claimed an exemption from import duty and tax on his personal property, including his car when he returned to the Netherlands after living outside the EU for a number…
Posted on 8th January, 2016
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New responsibilities for foreign transportation companies in France
On 7 April 2016, executive decree no. 2016-418 to the Macron Act was issued. It defines the rules for posting road transport employees in France and introduces new responsibilities for foreign transport companies and their representatives in France. It came into force on July…
Posted on 8th January, 2016
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French workers have the ‘right to disconnect’
As part of planned labour reforms, new legislation in France will encourage all companies to create policies to help their employees ‘disconnect from the office’ when they are no longer in the office environment. The amendment was included in…
Posted on 8th January, 2016
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Work permits required again for Japanese nationals in the Netherlands
In December 2014 the Dutch Council of State confirmed that Japanese nationals no longer require a work permit to work in the Netherlands, although a residence permit was still required. The Council referred to the Dutch-Japanese trade treaty, which states…
Posted on 8th January, 2016
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Implied Status: Travelling outside Canada
‘Implied Status’ is the right to continue work after a work permit expiry and while a work permit extension application is pending in Canada. As long as the person has submitted their application prior to the expiration of the current…
Posted on 7th January, 2016
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Improved enforcement of cross-border posting
The Act on Employment Conditions for Posted Workers in the EU came into force on 3 June 2016. The Act implements the European Enforcement Directive and aims to improve the protection of posted workers. Below is an overview of the…
Posted on 7th January, 2016
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Canada to implement mandatory ‘electronic travel authorization’ (eTA) requirements for non-visa nationals
Anyone seeking to visit, work in or study in Canada, who does not currently require a visa, will now need to apply for an Electronic Travel Authorisation (eTA) before entering Canada. This can have significant consequences for corporations sending business visitors…
Posted on 7th January, 2016
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The UK votes to leave the European Union – What does it mean for Employers?
After months of debate the wait is over. Although the UK might feel like a very different place today, in reality very little will change immediately. With no precedent, and after 40 years of integration, there is much left to…
Posted on 6th January, 2016
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New European data protection regulations herald major changes from 2018
Businesses both within, and transacting with, the EU need to plan to manage the significant impact and major penalty regime of the new regulations. The Data Protection Directive of 1995 provided only for a basic level of security measures relating…
Posted on 6th January, 2016
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European Union
Are employees obliged to return termination payments if termination found valid?
The Czech Supreme Court recently addressed the question of unjust enrichment of an employee and whether that employee was obliged to return salary compensation that had been paid out due to an invalid employment termination. Unjust enrichment is a concept…
Posted on 5th January, 2016
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Czech Republic
New withholding tax on employment income announced
The French government has revealed the first details of the new withholding (or income) tax rules that will be implemented from 1 January 2018. The new arrangements are set to impact significantly on the French employers and those companies with…
Posted on 4th January, 2016
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Employers no longer obliged to offer positions in overseas branches for forced redundancies
Under German law, redundancy dismissals must be based on compelling operational reasons and, in order to avoid wrongful termination of employment, the employer must prove that the position now being made redundant permanently ceases to exist and offer the employee…
Posted on 4th January, 2016
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What part should return to work assessments play in the dismissal of sick employees?
In general, where employees are unfit for work for more than six consecutive weeks or on an aggregate basis within a year due to health reasons, it is vital that the employer conduct a return to work assessment known in…
Posted on 4th January, 2016
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Wage tax obligation for supervisory board members abolished – choices to be made
From 1 May 2016, members of the supervisory board of directors will no longer be considered as employees for Dutch wage tax purposes. Further to the discussions in the Senate with respect to the Deregulation of Assessment of Independent Contractor…
Posted on 4th January, 2016
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Modern day slavery reporting obligations kick in for businesses in the UK
The UK government has taken an increasingly proactive stance to try and address the global issue of human trafficking, slavery, servitude or forced or compulsory labour which is estimated to affect 20.9 million people worldwide. Improved knowledge of the size…
Posted on 3rd January, 2016
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Court confirms decision to include commission in holiday pay
The Employment Appeal Tribunal has confirmed that an employee’s holiday pay should take into account the contractual commission they would have received had the employee been able to work during their holiday period. The history The ongoing saga of whether…
Posted on 3rd January, 2016
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Simplification of social dialogue with employee representatives
The French Social Dialogue and Employment Act, published on 24 March 2016, facilitates the combination of employee representative bodies in order to improve and simplify discussions, negotiations and joint actions in companies. What has changed? Prior to the reform,…
Posted on 3rd January, 2016
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Dutch Supreme Court rules on 150 km requirement in 30%-ruling
Following a ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), on 4 March 2016, the Dutch Supreme Court concluded that the 150 km requirement and the reduction rule in the 30%-ruling is not contrary to EU law. (For more information…
Posted on 3rd January, 2016
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Tax shift: Reductions to employment taxes for employers and employees
In October 2015, the Belgian government agreed on a “tax shift”, which was introduced as a means of decreasing the budget deficit and improving Belgium’s competitiveness in the labour market compared to its neighbouring countries. The aim was to shift…
Posted on 3rd January, 2016
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Tax penalties imposed lead to rejection of migrant sponsor licence
In the first case of its type, an employer has challenged the fact that their sponsor licence was rejected in court on the basis of tax penalties they had suffered, and lost their case. Dutch employers are obliged to register…
Posted on 3rd January, 2016
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Developments impacting employment law
Employers should take note of a new public holiday, a recent ruling on sick leave and proposed legislation affecting employment law in the Czech Republic. What has happened A new public holiday From March 2016, Good Friday has been declared…
Posted on 3rd January, 2016
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Czech Republic
New Whistleblowers Act adopted
In March 2016, the Dutch Senate adopted the House for Whistleblowers Act (Wet Huis voor klokkenluiders) which is expected to enter into force on 1 July 2016. Background The House for Whistleblowers Act introduces legal protection for whistleblowers (those who…
Posted on 3rd January, 2016
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EU-US Privacy Shield published
The full details of the Privacy Shield Agreement reached between EU Commission and US government officials at the beginning of February 2016 have now been published. Where we left off As previously reported, the Privacy Shield Agreement (which was designed…
Posted on 3rd January, 2016
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European Union
Update on recent employment law changes
In January and February 2016, a number of substantial amendments to Polish employment law regulations came into force. Adopted legislation Parental leave From 2 January 2016, the period of additional maternity leave has been included in the length of parental…
Posted on 2nd January, 2016
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UK tax authorities crackdown on remuneration tax avoidance
In February 2016, the UK tax authorities (HMRC) announced that they will be cracking down on certain types of remuneration arrangements which seek to convert what would otherwise be taxable employment income into capital gains. Taxation of employment income UK…
Posted on 2nd January, 2016
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Declaration of Independent Contractor Status in the Netherlands to be scrapped: self-employed affected
On 2 February 2016, the Dutch Senate passed the Deregulation of Assessment of Independent Contractor Status Act (Wet Deregulering Beoordeling Arbeidsrelaties). As of 1 May 2016, the Declaration of Independent Contractor Status (VAR) will be abolished. Background Currently, companies who…
Posted on 2nd January, 2016
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New provisions on restrictive covenants in employment contracts
Since 1 January 2016, new provisions on agreements to restrict competition in employment contracts have been in force in Norway. The Working Environment Act (WEA) contains a new chapter which includes these detailed provisions. Transitional rules apply for employment contracts…
Posted on 2nd January, 2016
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Significant changes to employment law in Poland
After winning a parliamentary majority in the last general election the Polish Law and Justice political party (PiS) will implement their manifesto proposals, some of which impact on Polish employment law. Outline of the proposed changes Civil law contracts (e.g.…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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Major employment changes: 2015’s changes and what to expect in 2016
2015 saw many legislative changes and announcements for 2016 that impacted not only UK resident companies and their employees, but also international businesses with a presence in the UK. In this article we review what happened in 2015, and what…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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Dutch crisis tax not incompatible with European Human Rights Convention
On 29 January 2016, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands ruled that the one-off crisis tax, including its extension, is not incompatible with the ownership right of Article 1 of the First Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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Dutch Supreme Court delivers judgment on two proceedings in the 30%-ruling
On 29 January 2016 the Dutch Supreme Court concluded that cross-border workers may not apply the 30%-ruling to the Belgian part of their wages when invoking the compensation rule under the tax treaty between Netherlands and Belgium, and that the…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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New social security rules complicate the treatment of termination payments in France
In French law there are specific social security exemption rules for termination payments, depending on the status and seniority of the worker. The Social Security Finance Bill for 2016 introduced a discrepancy between the tax treatment of termination payments for…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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New income tax treaty between the Netherlands and Germany impacts cross border workers
After a slightly longer than expected ratification process in the Netherlands, the new income tax treaty with Germany became effective from 1 January 2016. Created to prevent double taxation, the treaty provides guidelines for determining which country has the right…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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26 week protection from sickness dismissal can be curtailed
A new law came into force in Luxembourg on 1 September 2015 which amended the provisions relating to an employee’s inability to work due to sickness, both from the perspective of employment law and social security law. Payment of an…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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Reform to simplify and streamline tax in Italy
In 2014, the Italian Government took on the task of reforming and restructuring the tax system within one year. Its main aims were to tackle tax evasion, and to address the urgent need from both individuals and businesses to simplify…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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New rights to request flexible working in the Netherlands
On 1 January 2016, the Flexible Working Hours Act (‘FWH’) entered into force which aims to improve the work-life balance of Dutch employees. Under previous legislation, an employee could only request an amendment of their working hours, such as an…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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Dutch temporarily reduce fines for employers’ work permit breaches
Employers in the Netherlands will now face a reduced fine of €8 000 per person for employing workers from outside the European Union, European Economic Area and Switzerland that do not possess a work permit until a revised fining system…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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Pension changes for defined contribution schemes of expats in the Netherlands
In 2015 a new Decree on the international aspects of pensions affecting expatriate employees was published. Changes were proposed to allow more flexible retirement benefits for participants in a defined contribution (DC) scheme. The Dutch Pension system is generally considered…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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EU data protection reform to usher in far reaching changes for businesses by 2018
Following four years of negotiation, agreement has been reached between the various European Union (EU) institutions (the Commission, the Council and the EU Parliament) on reform of data protection laws to be applicable across all EU member states, applicable from…
Posted on 1st January, 2016
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European Union
UK Government update on economic progress: changes impacting HR professionals
Introduction The UK Government revealed its plans for the British economy in the Autumn Statement on 25 November 2015, which included some key tax announcements that will impact HR practitioners and companies with employees in the UK. In this article…
Posted on 11th January, 2015
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Carried interest accepted as earned by personal companies
In a landmark judgement the Norwegian Supreme Court has ruled in favour of taxpayers, accepting their claim that carried interest profit share should not be taxed as employment income but instead should be taxable at the level of the individuals’…
Posted on 11th January, 2015
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Recent conclusions of Advocate General on 30%-ruling impacting expatriates
The 30% ruling is a fiscal facility for foreign employees who have specific skills or expertise, which are scarce in the Dutch labour market, who come to work in the Netherlands and who meet certain other conditions. Under Dutch law…
Posted on 10th January, 2015
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New social security contributions
The German Federal Cabinet has published the draft of a regulation concerning the social security contribution ceilings of 2016. As provided for in the German Code of Social Law, important social security contribution ceilings are adjusted according to the income…
Posted on 10th January, 2015
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New law to improve social dialogue in France
A new law published in August 2015, aims to improve social dialogue, to improve the quality of life at work and to promote the value of union membership and employees’ collective involvement and representation. Social dialogue is the process of…
Posted on 10th January, 2015
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Market value of shares subject to restriction on sale
The First-tier Tax Tribunal has ruled that the valuation of shares acquired by an employee, which were subject to a restriction on sale, should be reduced to take that restriction into account for the purposes of calculating the employee’s income…
Posted on 10th January, 2015
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Changes to the accounting treatment for share-based payments
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is considering changes to the accounting treatment for share-based payments under IFRS2. The changes would allow an award that is settled net of withholding taxes to be treated as entirely equity settled for accounting…
Posted on 10th January, 2015
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European Union
Changes to evening and Sunday working, profit sharing and lay-offs
Controversial new laws came into force on 6 August 2015, which amended the laws relating to: work carried out during evenings, Sunday working, profit sharing arrangements; and procedures required in the case of economic lay-offs. The measures are designed to…
Posted on 10th January, 2015
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Termination of fixed-term employees in Poland in 2016
A crucial amendment to the Polish Labour Code regarding fixed-term employment contracts will come into force on 22 February 2016. Fixed-term employment contracts are quite often preferred by employers since their termination does not require any legal justification, unlike open-ended…
Posted on 10th January, 2015
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France improves the tax treatment of tax qualifying free share plans
The new Macron Act, enacted on 7 August 2015, brings various changes to the rules regarding tax qualifying free share plans, both from a corporate and tax standpoint. The new regime provides that the minimum vesting period applicable to conditional…
Posted on 10th January, 2015
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Nationals from Croatia still need a work permit
Employers in the Netherlands who are hiring nationals from the EU, EEA or Switzerland do not need to possess a work permit for these employees due to the free movement workers enjoy between countries within the European Union (as contained…
Posted on 10th January, 2015
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France making headway in the implementation of the Posted Workers Directive
The fight against fraudulent posting of workers has become a major challenge within the European Union (EU) with the publication of the Directive 2014/67 EU on 15 May 2015. Background The 1996 Posted Workers Directive (96/71/EC) entitles posted workers to…
Posted on 9th January, 2015
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Equal treatment policies could be waived for workers from staffing agencies
On 15 July 2015 a new regulation came into force that provides exemptions from the provisions in the Norwegian Working Environment Act on equal treatment of wages and working conditions for personnel hired from staffing agencies. The regulation implies that…
Posted on 9th January, 2015
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‘Working time’ now included in travel to and from work for mobile workers
Readers may remember that in our last edition we reported on an important case assessing whether workers were 'working' when they travelled from home to their first customer assignment of the day, and back home again at the end of…
Posted on 9th January, 2015
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European Union
Summer Budget 2015 – Key announcements relevant to UK Employers
The second budget of 2015 in many ways continues previous trends as the UK government looks to incentivise people into work, reduce state benefit and deficit bills and promote the UK as “open for business”. However there was one major…
Posted on 7th January, 2015
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French Court agrees with ECJ decision on CSG and CRDS contributions
Following an earlier decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the French Supreme Court has ruled that French employees, who are expatriated to a foreign country within the EU where they pay social security contributions, shall no longer pay…
Posted on 7th January, 2015
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Tax savings for employee profit sharing arrangements in the Czech Republic
Since 1 January 2014 Czech law has allowed part of a company’s profit to be shared with persons other than the company’s shareholders (e.g. an employee, a board member or any other person), if permitted by the company’s articles of…
Posted on 7th January, 2015
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Czech Republic
New act to tackle false employment relations in The Netherlands
The Act on Tackling False Employment Relations (Wet Aanpak Schijnconstructies: “WAS”) will come into force in the Netherlands in three phases on 1 July 2015, on 1 January 2016 and on a date yet to be determined . Designed to…
Posted on 7th January, 2015
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Could ‘working time’ now include travel to and from work?
In what could be a landmark decision, Advocate General Bot has said that, under the European Working Time Directive, a group of Spanish workers were ‘working’ when they travelled from home to their first customer assignment of the day and…
Posted on 7th January, 2015
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European Union
Pensions auto enrolment is starting to hit small and medium-sized employers in the UK
In October 2012 pension changes were introduced in the UK requiring all employers to automatically enrol their employees in a pension scheme. The changes are being phased in and until now have only affected large employers. However, with most large…
Posted on 7th January, 2015
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Short stay visa no longer required for travellers from UAE to Europe
On 6 May 2015, the European Union and the United Arab Emirates waived the visa requirements for United Arab Emirates nationals visiting the Schengen* countries within Europe. Nationals from the United Arab Emirates may now stay in all Schengen countries…
Posted on 7th January, 2015
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European Union
Polish Supreme Court rules that employees of subsidiary company should be treated equally
The Polish Supreme Court has ruled that an employee who received a severance payment lower than that paid to employees in a parent company had been treated unfairly. The case concerned two voluntary redundancy programmes, where an employee in a…
Posted on 6th January, 2015
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French Court changes rules for calculating tax exemption for foreign business travel
Following a decision by the French Supreme Administrative Court, French tax residents who travel abroad for business may now claim tax exemption on any additional compensation they receive (known as ‘Foreign Service Premiums) up to a value of 40% of…
Posted on 6th January, 2015
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Rules on mortgage interest tightened for Dutch expatriates
The Dutch Supreme Court has tightened the rules for tax deduction on mortgage interest payments for Dutch tax residents who are temporarily working abroad. In the Netherlands interest paid on a mortgage for property that is used as principal place…
Posted on 5th January, 2015
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Romanian Labour Code provides greater protection for temporary and absent employees
A number of new amendments have been added to the Romanian Labour Code in order to reduce discrimination against temporary employees and give greater clarity on the treatment of individual employment contracts. The amendments, which came into force on 25…
Posted on 5th January, 2015
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ECJ clarifies definition of ‘establishment’ for collective redundancies
The long awaited decision regarding the former UK retailers Woolworths and Ethel Austin has been handed down by the ECJ. The ECJ decided that each store could be a separate ‘establishment’. Background: There is a legal requirement to collectively consult…
Posted on 5th January, 2015
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European Union
Mandatory gender pay reporting to be introduced in the UK
Mandatory gender pay reporting to be introduced in the UK Just before the UK parliament was dissolved for the forthcoming general election, the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill received Royal Assent. One element of this new Act is to introduce…
Posted on 4th January, 2015
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Czech Republic increases minimum wage
The Czech Republic increased the minimum wage and related guaranteed salary levels from 1 January 2015. As well as Czech workers, the increase will affect employees from EU countries seconded to the Czech Republic for more than 30 days in…
Posted on 4th January, 2015
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Czech Republic
ECJ to rule on import duty exemption for Dutch national moving back to Netherlands
The Dutch Supreme Court has asked the European Court of Justice to rule on the regulations for import duty exemption for personal property. The case involves a Dutch national who for a number of years worked in a non-EU country. …
Posted on 4th January, 2015
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Norwegian Court of Appeals: carried interest taxable as employment income
In a landmark judgement, the Norwegian Court of Appeals has ruled that carried interest profit share that can be linked to services provided by employees should treated as taxable income for those employees. The Herkules case concerned a private equity…
Posted on 4th January, 2015
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Norwegian Working Environment Act to change
The Norwegian governing parties have announced key changes to the Working Environment Act that are designed to bring greater flexibility for Norwegian employees, as well as helping the unemployed get back to work. The proposals will be considered by the…
Posted on 3rd January, 2015
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ECJ update on 150km limit for 30% ruling
The European Court of Justice ruled on 24 February 2015 that the 150 km limit for the 30% ruling is in principle not in conflict with the free movement of employees under EU law. The Dutch National Court will now…
Posted on 3rd January, 2015
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Germany: employer fined for spying on sick employee
A German employer who hired a private detective to check whether a sick employee was really unfit for work has been fined for violating the employee’s human rights. After the ruling by the German Federal Labour Court, the employee was…
Posted on 3rd January, 2015
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Employment Law Update: Poland
Planned changes to the Temporary Employment Act The Solidarity Trade Union has proposed changes to the Temporary Employment Act, which would prohibit businesses from using the same temporary employee for a period of more than 18 months within a three…
Posted on 2nd January, 2015
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Italian tax changes for 2015
Following the introduction of the 2015 Finance Bill, a number of tax changes have come into force in Italy from January 2015. The key points are summarised below. 1. Increase in taxation of Italian pension funds From 1 January 2015,…
Posted on 2nd January, 2015
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New ‘Frauenquote’ introduces targets for senior women in Germany
In December 2014, the German government introduced legislation to increase the number of women in senior positions in Germany’s leading organisations. From 2016, at least 30% of all supervisory board positions in Germany’s largest companies must be held by women.…
Posted on 1st January, 2015
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Is obesity a disability? ECJ Judgement
In a decision that could have a significant impact for employers, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that obesity could, in some cases, be a disability. In November 2010, Mr Kaltoft, a Danish childminder, was dismissed after 15…
Posted on 1st January, 2015
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European Union
UK – HMRC annual share plan returns – 5 top tips to ensure you are ready for 6 July 2015
A new online registration and filing regime for share plans came into force on 6 April 2014; the first annual filing deadline under the new regime will be 6 July 2015. Set out below are 5 top tips for companies…
Posted on 1st January, 2015
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New rules for holiday pay in the UK could cost employers more
Changes to the way in which holiday pay is calculated in the UK will bring additional expense to many employers in 2015. Under the Working Time Regulations 1998, all UK employees are entitled to 28 days’ paid holiday per annum,…
Posted on 1st January, 2015
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UK Finance Bill 2015 to simplify taxation of benefits and expenses for employers
The UK Government has published the first draft of the Finance Bill 2015, which includes most of the legislative changes announced by the Chancellor in his Autumn Statement. Building on the previous recommendations of the Office of Tax Simplification, the…
Posted on 1st January, 2015
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30% ruling referred to European Court of Justice
30% ruling referred to European Court of Justice The 30% ruling, which allows Dutch employers to pay a tax-free allowance to employees recruited from abroad, has been referred to the European Court of Justice. Under current law, employers may pay…
Posted on 12th January, 2014
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Wife inherits dead husband’s holiday pay
In a decision that could affect all EU countries, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that a German company was acting against EU law when it refused to pay the widow of a former employee an allowance in…
Posted on 10th January, 2014
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Shared parental leave brings new complications for employers
From 1 December 2014 (and not 1 October as originally anticipated), the new Shared Parental Leave (SPL) regulations will come into force in England and Wales. These will be provided alongside the current Maternity and Parental Leave regulations 1999, giving…
Posted on 10th January, 2014
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Employment law update – Poland
Fixed-term agreements to be limited In a ruling issued in June 2014 the Supreme Court determined that lengthy fixed-term contracts (in that case 7 years) should only be used in exceptional circumstances. At the same time an amendment to the…
Posted on 10th January, 2014
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Employers need to act on Dutch pension changes from January 2015
From 1 January 2015, the maximum amount that an individual can save in their pension without incurring a tax charge will be reduced. Companies need to act now to ensure that their pension plans comply with the new rules. What’s…
Posted on 10th January, 2014
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Norway – tax cuts in the state budget for 2015
In the recent 2015 Budget announcement, the Conservative Coalition Government proposed several tax cuts, as well as a few increases. The reduction in the net wealth tax is the most significant change for resident individuals and foreign individuals owning real…
Posted on 10th January, 2014
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Dutch law set to change on employer deductions for hired contractors
Proposed changes have been put before the Dutch Parliament regarding an employer’s liability to make employment tax and social security deductions for hired contractors. Current obligation Currently, a company hiring a self-employed person is fully exempt from paying employment tax…
Posted on 9th January, 2014
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Employer Social Security rates reduced in Romania with effect from 1 October 2014
From 1 October 2014, Romanian employer social security contributions have reduced by 5%. There is no change to employee contributions. Working condition Employee contribution Employer contribution Total contribution Normal working conditions 10.5% 15.8% 26.3% Special working conditions employee is exposed…
Posted on 9th January, 2014
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New rules on French unemployment benefits may affect negotiated terminations
New rules for the payment of French unemployment benefits, which were introduced from 1 July 2014, may have an impact on the ability of French employers to negotiate termination packages. Waiting period for benefit payment changed Before the new rules…
Posted on 9th January, 2014
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Employment law update – Slovakia
Minimum wage to increase in 2015 Subject to Government agreement, from 1 January 2015 the minimum wage will increase to: monthly minimum wage - EUR 380 (currently EUR 352) hourly minimum wage - EUR 2.184 (currently EUR 2.023). Minimum wage…
Posted on 9th January, 2014
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EU, EEA and Swiss nationals no longer required to register with Dutch Immigration Authorities
On 16 July 2014 the Dutch Government ruled that nationals of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland are no longer required to register with the Dutch Immigration Authorities ("IND") if they wish to stay in the Netherlands…
Posted on 9th January, 2014
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Dutch employee not required to pay Dutch tax for money earned in Germany
Following a ruling by the Dutch Court in May 2014, a Dutch employee has been granted tax relief for income he earned in Germany. Germany was the 'economic employer' In 2011, an employee of a Dutch company was seconded to…
Posted on 9th January, 2014
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Dutch tax changes from 2015
From 1 January 2015, the Dutch Government will introduce a number of tax and savings related changes. The key changes are summarised below. Changes to the work-related expenses will become mandatory for all employers. New tax bands and rates introduced:…
Posted on 9th January, 2014
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German Social Security Rates for 2015
The expected 2015 social security rates for Germany are set out below. These are subject to confirmation by the Federal Cabinet and Council in October 2014. New rates for 2015 Area of social security Contribution threshold 2015* Pension and unemployment…
Posted on 9th January, 2014
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2015 changes to Czech employment law
From 1 January 2015, changes to Czech employment law will have a significant impact on employers' record keeping obligations and administrative offences. Workplace record keeping simplified From 2015, employers will only be required to keep workplace records of employment for…
Posted on 9th January, 2014
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Czech Republic
Risk of double payment of social security contributions due to the retrospective determination of applicable legislation
EU social security legislation provides that a person who regularly pursues an activity as an employee in two or more states of the EU/EEA or in Switzerland (the “Member States”) shall be subject to the social security legislation of only…
Posted on 8th January, 2014
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Czech Republic
Minimum wage to be introduced in Germany from 2015
A minimum wage of € 8.50 gross per hour will be introduced in Germany for the first time from January 2015. Collective agreements with a lower minimum wage can still remain in force until December 2016. The minimum wage will…
Posted on 7th January, 2014
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Work-related expenses scheme compulsory as of 2015
In a previous update we informed you about the taxation scheme for work-related expenses (‘werkkostenregeling’) which was introduced in 2011. The law allowed employers to choose between applying this new scheme or continuing to apply the former legislation if that…
Posted on 7th January, 2014
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New law changes some rules for Restricted Stock Units and Performance Shares awards
French law creates a new incentive for companies granting Restricted Stock Units or Performance Shares to all their employees in France. The French Commercial Code provides that companies may grant RSUs or Performance Shares to their employees and corporate officers…
Posted on 7th January, 2014
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Dutch lower court rules on 16% crisis tax
In May 2014 the District Court in The Hague issued the first decisions in numerous court cases against the 16% crisis tax which we wrote about in a previous update. The Court ruled in favour of the tax authorities, the…
Posted on 7th January, 2014
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Belgian tax law changes impact non-residents
In March 2014, Belgium introduced new laws which will have an effect on the tax position of some Belgian non-residents. Previously, non-resident taxpayers were not entitled to personal tax allowances unless they were: Non-residents who have an abode in…
Posted on 7th January, 2014
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Paying commission during holiday
The recent case of Lock v British Gas Trading Limited has caused concern amongst employers. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided that Mr Lock's holiday pay should include a sum in lieu of the commission that he might have…
Posted on 7th January, 2014
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Rules for obtaining a residence permit for wealthy foreign nationals revised
Since 1 October 2013, wealthy foreign nationals may qualify, contingent on certain conditions, for a residence permit (see our earlier update). As per 1 June 2014 the rules have been revised. The principal changes are as follows: Wealthy foreign nationals…
Posted on 7th January, 2014
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Dutch Supreme Court rules on taxation of excessive leaving bonuses
On 20 June 2014 the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that the employer tax due on excessive termination payments is not contrary to international law. In early 2013 we updated you on the Dutch employer tax due on so-called excessive redundancy…
Posted on 7th January, 2014
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Dutch Ministry of Finance publishes new guidelines on reimbursement of business travel expenses
On 23 June 2014 the Dutch Ministry of Finance published an update of a Directive with guidelines for the tax treatment of benefits provided by employers to employees, including the reimbursement of expenses incurred during business trips abroad, such as…
Posted on 7th January, 2014
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Non-Dutch social security schemes must be considered for Dutch employment tax calculation
In order to determine whether social security contributions paid to non-Dutch social security schemes are taxable (employer contributions) or tax deductible (employee contributions) it is necessary to investigate the specific non-Dutch schemes. In many cases, employees working in the Netherlands…
Posted on 6th January, 2014
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New Case Law on 30% Ruling
Recently, new Court decisions were published regarding the conditions for the 30%-ruling to apply at a later point in time than the start of employment in the Netherlands. Scarce specific skills One of the conditions of the 30%-ruling is that…
Posted on 6th January, 2014
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Collective redundancies and transfer of undertakings in the UK – what has change
On 31 January 2014 changes were made to the UK legislation which implements the European Acquired Rights and Collective Redundancies Directives. The new Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 (unattractively shortened to CRATUPEAR) state:…
Posted on 3rd January, 2014
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30% tax ruling no longer limited to one employment relationship
Under the 30% tax ruling, foreign employees working in the Netherlands may be eligible for tax relief. The Court of Appeal has now ruled that the relief can be granted for two or more employment relationships that exist at the…
Posted on 4th January, 2013
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French Supreme Court specifies the conditions under which GPS may be used to monitor an employee
It was held by the French Supreme Court that a company had unlawfully used a GPS device to track the company car of one of its employees. Background An employee working as a sales representative was informed by his employer…
Posted on 1st January, 2012
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Social Security Agreement between Switzerland and India
On January 29, 2011 a bilateral social security agreement (“SSA”) between Switzerland and India came into force. What is the effect of the SSA? The SSA helps and encourages cross-border movement of professionals across the two countries. The SSA ensures…
Posted on 7th January, 2011
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Major consequences for French tax residents who fail to disclose foreign bank accounts
Supreme Court confirms swingeing tax consequences of dealing with undisclosed accounts complies with EU law. French tax residents are subject to a general obligation to declare the details of their foreign bank accounts to the French tax administration. Failure to…
Posted on 4th January, 2011
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Dutch “Heineken case” extending transfer of undertakings legislation to posted workers has EU-wide impact
On October 21, 2010 the European Court of Justice held that employees need not have an employment contract with the transferor in order for transfer of undertakings legislation to apply to them. Facts and circumstances Within Heineken the staff who…
Posted on 4th January, 2011
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Germany: Tax exemption for ‘non standard’ working hours is restricted
The tax exemption available for additional amounts paid to an employee for working at night-time, Sundays and during public holidays will not apply if the hourly remuneration of the employee is the same, regardless of the day or hour Background…
Posted on 3rd January, 2010
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Belgium: New tax position on cashing out of stock options raises planning opportunities
The generally accepted position that such payments for the release of stock options should be treated as ordinary taxable income, except in some specific company restructurings, has now been revised following a recent tax ruling Facts Employees of a Belgian…
Posted on 3rd January, 2010
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Germany: No entitlement to statutory severance payment where employee files a claim for unfair dismissal
Where an employer offers a severance payment that is to be paid in certain circumstances where an employee refrains from filing a claim for unfair dismissal, it is not then obliged to pay the severance payment if the employee fails…
Posted on 3rd January, 2010
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Germany: Tax treatment of costs incurred by employer for vocational training of employees – reversal of previous position
Costs of training met by an employee will not form taxable salary for an employee provided certain conditions are met. Where an employer pays the costs of vocational training for an employee, this does not constitute taxable salary of the…
Posted on 10th January, 2009
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Germany: Wage tax: Glasses may be provided tax free, subject to conditions
The costs of employees' special glasses will be free of income tax and social security where: a specialist carries out the eye examination; the result of the examination is that the special glasses are required by the employee, such that…
Posted on 10th January, 2009
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Germany: New limits on variable pay arrangements
Recent case law decisions mean it is now necessary to revise clauses in employment contracts which provide that certain payments are discretionary or may be revoked in certain circumstances. The nature of a discretionary payment means that the employee is…
Posted on 10th January, 2009
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France: Termination of a foreign secondment: Repatriation and reintegration obligation
Obligations for French employers to repatriate seconded employees triggered by business transfers. The temporary cross-border assignment of employees in multinational groups is a common HR management tool. To protect seconded employees against the difficulties that may arise from the termination…
Posted on 10th January, 2009
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International Assignments: A review of the special tax regime for expatriates
The French expat tax regime offers some very beneficial tax advantages. To make France an attractive location for the assignment of executives and high net worth individuals in multinational groups, several tax advantages have been introduced over the last few…
Posted on 10th January, 2009
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Germany: Social security and gardening leave- new rules from 1 July 2009
Where an employment relationship comes to an end, the employer and employee often agree that the employee need not provide his services until the end of the notice period, although the employer is still obliged to pay the contractual remuneration…
Posted on 10th January, 2009
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Germany: Agreed position on the taxation of redundancy payments as between Germany and Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland not valid
The German court rejects the agreement made between national fiscal authorities as non-binding thereby abandoning the previously understood tax treatment. The German Federal Finance Court has ruled that redundancy payments received by the employee after termination of the employment contract…
Posted on 10th January, 2009
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Netherlands: Bill regarding the taxation of “lucrative interests”
The bill 'taxation of excessive remuneration', which was sent to Parliament on 13 May 2008, includes a proposal for a new tax regime for so-called 'lucrative interests'. Executive summary A new tax regime is proposed for the taxation of certain…
Posted on 5th January, 2008
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