Legal considerations for businesses during the coronavirus outbreak in Belgium

Posted on 4th January, 2020

Estimated reading time 1 minute

Also important to take into account however are certain legal and tax considerations. For instance with regard to the payment of corporate income tax, corporate governance and obligations and liabilities under commercial contracts of your business.

This comprehensive guide includes the most pressing questions we have received in our different practice groups with answers in light of the current situation from a corporate, employment, tax, finance, commercial contracts and real estate law perspective.

We can imagine that you may have further questions regarding the legal requirements in relation to the coronavirus outbreak and are of course available to assist you. For more information, please visit our website or contact your trusted Loyens & Loeff advisor.

Download the pdf-version here.

The Belgian government, as well as the regional authorities, have taken a range of decisions to reduce the financial consequences of the COVID-19 measures.
We refer to our article which provides you with an overview of the most relevant measures that were taken by the competent Belgian authorities, updated on a daily basis.

Further information

For further information or to discuss any of the issues raised, please contact Hans van Ruiten on +31 10 224 64 18 or Karin Chung on +31 20 578 56 19.