The UK votes to leave the European Union – What does it mean for Employers?

Posted on 6th January, 2016
, in UK 

Estimated reading time 2 minutes

After months of debate the wait is over.  Although the UK might feel like a very different place today, in reality very little will change immediately. With no precedent, and after 40 years of integration, there is much left to debate and unravel.  The UK government has up to two years from triggering the exit mechanism to negotiate a new rule book to govern its future relationship with the European Union. Despite the prolonged period of transition, it is important that employers consider the implications for their business and employees based in or on assignment in, or from, the UK.  Expected changes may impact UK employment law, immigration, cross-border mobility, international assignments and employee taxation as well as remuneration arrangements (including share plans).

How can we help?

With member firms in the UK and major economies inside the EU and around the world, Alliance members can help you both identify the issues raised by Brexit and offer strategic alternatives to address the new realities as they become clear. CELIA members have helped clients with their global strategies in over 70 countries around the globe in the last few years and have the experience to help. We will update you on all the developments as they unfold through our E-news service.
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