The UK Government’s COVID-19 Recovery Strategy – Coronavirus Lockdown

Posted on 6th January, 2020
, in UK 

Estimated reading time 3 minutes

The UK Government has launched its COVID-19 recovery strategy – ‘Our Plan to Rebuild’ on 11th May 2020. The strategy was launched with the caveat that the timetable will be delayed if the Coronavirus is not successfully controlled and if this is the case, restrictions could be re-imposed.

Below we have outlined the key points from the strategy that you will need to consider:

Step 1 – 13th May 2020

  • Travel to work if you cannot work from home, avoiding public transport where possible.
  • You can drive to open spaces irrespective of the distance.
  • Face coverings are encouraged to be worn in enclosed spaces.
  • You can only meet one person from outside your household, outside and maintaining social distancing measures.
  • You can exercise outside as many times as you like a day.
  • All international arrivals will need to supply their contact and accommodation information. They will also need to self-isolate for 14 days on arrival to the UK (with the exception of those on the short list of exemptions).

Step 2 – 1st June (Earliest)

  • Phased return for early years settings and schools.
  • Non-essential retail to open where safe to do so.
  • Sports and cultural events to take place behind closed doors.
  • More local public transport to reopen in urban areas (subject to strict measures).

Step 3 – 1st July (Earliest)

  • Some of the remaining businesses that have been required to close will be re-opened including personal care, hospitality, public places, and leisure facilities.
  • The UK Government will carefully monitor and pilot re-openings to test their ability to “adopt the new COVID-19 Secure guidelines”.

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